Shooting Form
There are lots of trainers and clinics that can help a player improve their shot. Midtown teaches 4 basic components of good shot form:
Square and Balanced - hips square to basket and weight evenly distributed on feet
Elbow Away - Shooting arm at 90 degree and raising away from the body, not pinched like a chicken wing. Point elbow at rim while raising up arm for better aim.
Look Through the Window - Raising shooting arms creates natural "window" to see the basket in a straight line. Do not look over the ball by positioning ball under chin before shooting or look around the side of the ball by tilting head.
Snap Through and Thumbs up - Shooting hand lets middle and index finger roll off ball last while wrist snaps down. Opposite palm is resting lightly on side of ball and thumb points to ceiling as ball is released for clear path.